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Hey, cool little game once again! Here’s my feedback.

I was confused the first time I reached the bottom I thought I was going to die and did not expect to teleport at the top.

Also the pause at the beginning to read the help is way too short to read and understand the whole thing.

There is a weird sound that seems to activate quite randomly, I think it’s something regarding policemen but I did not get it.

Stamina was in a fact a nice mechanic to add, especially combined with the loitering mechanic. That constitute hints at how to play the game the way it is designed to be played.

Not sure if there is any dynamic progression regarding the time left. It would be nice if there were more spawns of policemen the closer you get to the time limit (maybe more trashcans/loiter signs too). Slightly accelerating the scroll could be another thing too!

Grats and hope you’re getting good ratings!

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Also, I like the anti-littering message. It might not be recognized a crime legally, but it is indeed a TERRIBLE CRIME!!!11!!